Legenda Aurea – In the attraction of relics

Currently open

The Latin title of the exhibition refers to the book from the 14th century – that also can be found in the Diocesan Library - summarises the holy relics known from this period. The title in Hungarian shows how relics have been an integral part of our past, our everyday life and holidays for many centuries. The exhibition presents and explains the importance of relics in the history of art, their types and their impact in the present day; it also showcases many of the treasures of the bishopric of Győr.  

 The exhibition’s main focus is the cult of King Saint Ladislaus. It illustrates the herm itself and the royal skull bone it contains, and the special artistic and scientific achievements of the herm. It devotes space to the cult of Saint Ladislaus and the artistic representations that have survived. Finally, the visitor will also learn about the history of the liturgical procession, which goes back several centuries. 

The other main focal point of the exhibition is the Weeping Virgin Mother picture. People can become familiar with the history of the image, the miracle of weeping with tears of blood and other interesting facts. Little is known about the international impact of the painting, but here can be seen the churches that have been built in its honour and painted copies of it.

Opening hours

Nyitás : 2025. január 13. 9.00 óra.
2025. január 13-tól március 01-ig a nyitvatartás 9.00-17.00 óráig.
Jegyvásárlás: zárás előtt fél órával lehetséges.
Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00

Ticket info and contact

Tickets can be purchased at Káptalandomb 13. (Chapter Hill 13.) at our main reception, until half an hour before our closing times.

Adult tickets: 1200 HUF
Discount (student, senior): 800 HUF

If you have any more questions regarding the tickets, feel free to contact our collegues!

+36 30 255 1363
9021 Győr, Káptalandomb 13.

More pictures and info on our social media.
